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Old 03-20-2013, 05:26 AM
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Duker Duker is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Victoria, BC Canada
Posts: 222
Duker is on a distinguished road

very nice mature colony!

Originally Posted by mike31154 View Post
Here's the colony of sps. Photo taken about a year ago I think. Don't recall whether it was taken under my LEDs or MH/T5HO combo (Blue LEDs I suspect due to ambient lighting in photo background). Either way, it will have lived mostly under the halides to that point. Not much left of it as in the photo 'cause I keep breaking pieces off, doh, and my BTAs are killing it. I've moved a large part that I broke inadvertently during cleaning to the other end of the tank & have various bits stuck into rockwork here & there. Some is doing ok, other bits not so good due to constant breakage & moving about.

Cheers Ronnie.

75 gallon in-wall SPS dominant and some sweet zoas, attached 30 gallon refugium/seahorse tank, attached 15 gallon mangroves/bad boy tank/pod factory, 40 gallon sump.
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