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Old 03-18-2013, 03:12 AM
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This stuff seem to kill more fish than it save. Did it ever work for someone? I keep hearing horror stories about Herbatana.

You should use Paraguard in quarantine, and after that, Prazipro. That's what I did with my copperband and it worked very well.

For the QT, I use liverock and I kept a Magnum HOT running with a micron filter. Never had a problem with water quality. Never lost a fish in QT.

Don't use Herbatana, use Paraguard as recommanded first as a dip when you get the fish, do a one hour dip at the dip concentration, then use paraguard at normal concentration for a few weeks, then do prazipro. All these are quite gentle on the fish and control parasites quite well.

Originally Posted by mikeclarke View Post
Hi there,

All I dosed was herbtana and artimiss as everyone looked good until they were at the bottom. I took the CBB and acclimated to the big tank and he has been thriving. He eats all the mysis and cyclops eeze that I give him.

So I'd like to get a tang for the 6' 100 gallon but I don't want to waste my money. How do I keep a QT tank looking nice but keeping the water quality high?
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...
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