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Old 03-16-2013, 02:56 PM
noy noy is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Toronto
Posts: 98
noy is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Madmak View Post
I can't recall but it's not far. With no auto focus a tripod and focus rail is a must. At 5X magnification you can literally fill the frame with a single letter of fine newspaper text.

It's a fun lens but you need to be patient.
thanks for all the info. i actually decided against getting this lens - its just too restrictive in terms of the focus range.

what i did was get a set of polaroid extension tubes.

I took a few shots using the tubes and my canon t2i, with a f1.8 50mm lens. the normal focus distance is about 1.5 feet. It really isn't a macro lens at all. But with the tubes i was able get with in inches of the subject.

IMG_4765 by [url=]

IMG_4764 by [url=]

IMG_4763 by [url=]

IMG_4762 by [url=]

I'm going start testing this with my 100mm/f2.8 - can't wait. I'll report on resutls.
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