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Old 03-13-2013, 07:52 PM
Oilers Oilers is offline
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Originally Posted by asylumdown View Post
Are you trying to culture the copepods, or did you just add them to your tank?

I never do anything to feed the pods in my tank other than feed the fish, and my system is crawling with at least 5 species of them. Phyto is something that some people swear by, but I don't think there's a hard and fast rule for x ml to x gallons. It depends on what in your tank is consuming it, and the cell density of you phyto solution.

But if you're feeding that tank anything else, the phyto might not be necessary at all. I've always seen pods as something that develops inevitably in a system whether you want them or not. Even if you start with all marco rock and sterile sand, the first piece of LPS or SPS with base rock you add to your tank is going to bring them in with it.
I just want to add copepods to the tank so the mandarin I just picked up wouldn't starve but I was told that the copepods need food as well; hence the phyto. I have never used phyto before but I've read that it also provides some other benefits so I thought I try it out.
I have no idea what the cell density of my phyto solution is. Maybe I should ask Ken at BWA since that's where I got the culture from.
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