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Old 03-12-2013, 01:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Madmak View Post

I can't think of a simpler way and wonder why so many people with RO/DI setups still use an ATO. Am I missing something? I'm a bit of an automation junkie but this isn't too complicated. I'm interested to see what the consensus is.
The method of ATO that each of us uses all depends on a persons system, budget, involvement and ability. As stated some peoples tanks are too far away or small enough that its not an inconvenience. Others might not have it in their budget for a fancy controller to handle all elements of their system. Some might find what you just described to be too complicated and risky because they are new to this or don't have the desire to become as informed. And finally, some people just don't understand which end of the hammer to use and need for things to be plug-and-play or as simple as possible.

I started off with just an elevated freshwater holding tank and a float valve and then upgraded to a used Tunze system that I bought for $50. Fast-forward a few years and my current system is a freshwater holding tank that is automatically topped off twice a week from an RO/DI system by a solenoid controlled by my Apex. Two water level sensors are present in the sump for redundancy to stop the Apex from turning on a maxijet pump ever 30 minutes for one minute. When the water level is low enough that the pump does come on it pushes through an inline kalkwasser reactor (I have chronically low pH due to the Ca Reactor). All of this sounds pretty simple to me but when I try to explain it to a random person looking at my tank I can see that its a little over their heads. Literally and figuratively. The 1/4" line from the RO/DI runs across the exposed floor joists in this houses basement. I also employ two water-on-the-floor sensors that will trigger a text message alarm and shut off several pieces of equipment if something goes amiss.
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