Thread: RODI Woes
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Old 03-06-2013, 02:27 PM
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Originally Posted by rstar View Post
Im going to piggy back on this thread as I too believe I am having pressure issues, ordered a psi gauge last week, just wondering where in line I need to install it to test pressure?
Most RODI systems that come with a pressure gauge recommend installation before the RO membrane (after the pre-filter & carbon stages). I've taken it a step further & installed two pressure gauges, one as per above recommendation & another at the RODI system input, measuring house pressure. This allows me to keep track of a pressure differential between the two & is one of the best indicators of when your pre-filter stages need replacement. Using simple math, when the pressure differential reading between the two begins to rise 3 to 4 psi, it's pretty obvious the sediment filters are gumming up. I keep track of the numbers on an Excel spreadsheet. Although the poly pre-filters aren't that costly, it's still more cost effective & less of a hassle to change them when truly required rather than on some arbitrary time based schedule.

I purchased both gauges at Princess Auto. Liquid filled, good quality for just under $20. No need to order something through the mail when it's available for competitive price locally.
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