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Old 03-06-2013, 03:42 AM
Jeff000 Jeff000 is offline
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Originally Posted by Zoaelite View Post
Really excited to see where this goes, subscribed!

Have you run your stand by an engineer yet? I'm no expert but I would be a little wary with 330g of water on top of that beasty.
Originally Posted by zum14 View Post
Im along for this ride. Looks great so far. I do have to side with above though. But dont take me too literal as I tend to use 2X6's on a 20 gal stand. (not really but you get the idea)
Thanks, I'm excited too.

As for how much the stand can hold.... Some math borrowed from an engineer.

Facts for the discussion:
-The parallel compression rate of a 2x4 -- 4,800 psi
-The rough end measurements of a 2x4 -- 1.5" x 3.5"
-Number of 2x4 in the pictured stand -- 19

The Math behind the discussion:
The Parallel capacity:

First, we take the end measurements of the 2x4 and figure the contact area. This is

1.5 * 3.5 = 5.25

This gives us 5.25 square inches of contact are per 2x4.

Second, we figure the total area that will be in contact. Remember that we have nineteen 2x4s supporting the frame of the tank. So, we multiply the number of 2x4s by the end area of a single 2x4.

19 * 5.25 = 99.75

We have 99.75 square inches of contact area.

Third, we bring in the compression rate of the 2x4s in relation to the number of square inches of contact area.

99.75 * 4,800 = 475200.

This tells us that the stand in question will vertically support 475,200lbs, assuming all other factors remain constant.

The Perpendicular capacity:

Now you need to look at the Parallel compression of a 2x4, remembering from above, the compression strength was 440 psi.

So we bring back the surface area

19 * 5.25 = 99.75

Then we multiply by the compression strength.

99.75 x 440 = 43,890 lbs

The tank is say 600 lbs. 330g of salt water is lets say 3300 lbs, and lets say I put 500 lbs of rocks in. That's 4400 lbs on the far upper reach of what my tank could weigh. So I have a 10x safety factor, not counting how much the all the cross bracing and stuff adds to the compression strength.
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