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Old 03-04-2013, 06:11 PM
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Originally Posted by kien View Post
ATI 60" 4x75W LED & 8x80W T5 LED-Powermodule .

Interesting! So, I noticed that the 60" version has like, 8T5s and 4 LED modules on the fixture. I'm curious, since you can easily grow stuff under the 8 T5s alone, what does adding the LED modules give you exactly (aside from a bit of shimmering) ? Don't get me wrong, it's a slick looking fixture, but if you have to swap out and replace the aging T5 bulbs anyway, that seems to negate one of the major benefits of LEDs no ?
There's a 4 bulb version as well but I agree and personally think using T5s with LEDs kind of defeats some purposes of LEDs. I know there's a market for it but I don't think it will last, more of a an idea to fill the gap before more options are available (like LEDs in special reflectors to spread without shimmer) and peoples faith in the technology if fulfilled.

I put 2 54W bulbs over my tank with 3 mitras running around 80% or so and you literally couldn't tell the T5s where on so I suspect 4 bulbs would be slightly noticeable but hardly worth the cost associated. Probably why there's an 8 bulb fixture as well but then you're basically just supplementing with LEDs. I haven't seen these yet though so hard to say.
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