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Old 02-25-2013, 03:42 PM
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Hi and thanks for the reply!

Originally Posted by globaldesigns View Post
Worked for me...

If people are still having problems, it can be many things:

1.) Firstly when you move a website to a new server, this means your site will have a new/different IP, thus you have an issue called dns caching, as there as a time limit set for things to renew, this is called a TTL... Anyways time will fix this problem.

2.) ISP's also cache websites, so if you moved and deleted the old site, and if the ISP of the visitor is caching, then there can be problems. Again time will fix this.

The old site was left on the old server for this very reason.

3.) Caching within the visitors computer itself... There are ways to clear this cache, but most don't know how... Again, time will fix.

Yes, this we can't control but since the old site is on the old server we should see sales go though it?

By today, hopefully you see no more problems.

The problem we are having is we are getting at least one person every day since the DNS swap tell us that it hangs at checkout. We have tested many many times and it works fine on our end. Our host is telling us the Mod Security is blocking some of these clients because the PC's are trying to inject Iframes. We confirmed this with 2 client IP's. Lot's of malware going around, so it seems.
