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Old 02-22-2013, 08:24 PM
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Originally Posted by subman View Post
Ive been stuck a couple times but noting really and it felt like tiny slivers. I actually just ignored them and after awhile they wore off, no issues after the fact at all.

Are you sure it was bristle worms? Could it be anything else?
I was thinking maybe I did touch a bristleworm and the bristles broke off, skin covered over and now its bugging me like slivers would. I have no idea if this is the cause or not, its the only thing I can think of though, not sure anything else in the tank could cause this. Before I posted this thread, I did make a call to see if maybe it was warts or something, but was told there's no way warts grow this fast nor do they cause swelling. ewwww right....

Will pop a reactin and see if that helps if it is just a reaction. Seems to be more of an issue in the mornings and evenings. Its just weird as I was working on the tank Sunday/Monday, and this started on Wednesday....
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