Thread: AEFW
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Old 02-22-2013, 01:12 AM
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Rice Reef Rice Reef is offline
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Originally Posted by Trevor W View Post
So how effective is Coral RX in the prevention and defence against AEFW? I currently dip all my corals using Coral RX, although I only have a couple acros and mostly LPS. I guess what I am getting at would be, what is the best coral dip on the market. I am currently in the building phase of my new tank which will be mostly SPS. AEFW and Dinos scare the ever living **** out of me.
you can go with either coral rx or revive but neither will destroy the eggs which means you will have to inspect the coral even more carefully. From this thread there has been some very good advice given... If you consistently dip and inspect your chances of being infested by these worms would be less. Once I am done with this I plan to do the following.. Buy frags only and dip them. If you have to buy colonies better inspect the base for stn and eggs. They lay eggs only on dead parts of the coral. With all corals cut it off the frag plugs and rocks used and use your own. Set up a quarantine tank if possible. Introduce wrasses that likes flatworm (not guaranteed but if you don't over feed they do look for food off the corals).
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