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Old 02-15-2013, 11:05 PM
reeferfulton reeferfulton is offline
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Default water height / weir / pump flow

first I will explain my setup , then ask the question

I have a few questions regarding return pump flow , weir teeth width and height of DT water.

Currently my tank is setup with a mag 9 with NO bypass option to return part of the flow to the sump, and a herbie overflow. When I initially set the tank up . My wier was to (nonrestrictive) and even with the pump running full bore i could not get the water height to rise slightly above the black trim .

So I i added acyrilic strips behind the wier to prevent so much water from passing through it .
Thus now when the pump is running the water level comes to the height i wanted and I have adjusted the gate valve to match ..

My question is
If in the future i want to add more flow to the tank aka . a stronger return pump. And also want it to pump all of its potential into the display .
Am i not going to have to modify my weir yet again ?

Basically once your wier height is set to a certain gallon per hour flow into the DT .. you are stuck with it ?

any comments on these observations would be great
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