Thread: Crab ID
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Old 02-15-2013, 03:44 AM
Northvan Northvan is offline
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Location: North Vancouver,BC
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Default catching crabs

Hey Madchild - We tore our whole tank apart catching the first one, tried every trap nothing worked. 60lbs of live rock out before we got him. He ate 2 fiji gold leathers completely, took chunks out of other leathers. took a while to figure out what it was, we NEVER saw him. 2nd smaller crab we found by accident a few days ago while cleaning some zenia off a rock. Saw beady eyes looking at me out of a hole in the rock. They have really good eyesight, they know when your gunning for them.

& as for ID, I'm pretty sure ours are rock crabs, based on black tips on the claws, but I guess they could be hairy crabs also
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