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Old 02-11-2013, 08:13 PM
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mandyplo mandyplo is offline
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Originally Posted by Coralgurl View Post
I've used copper and dosed the new salt water, and retested after adding to the tank. Once you are at full dose, you can/should keep it there.

Curious why you are using copper treatment? Its very hard on the fish and a slight overdose can kill them. You also need to closely watch your PH with copper.
Hi guys yes sorry, my fish had marine ich - I lost about 5 fish and I am treating the 3 remaining fish in QT, I thought everyone would assume I knew not to use this in my display but I Guess there are some people who don't do their homework lol (I did).

Yes I also have test kits dont worry :P I bought the Salifert copper test kit and have my concentration at 0.5 mg/L in my QT now. I am going to be needing a water change soon and was just wondering how to go about doing that, but thank you all for providing clarification. It is precisely as I thought it would be
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