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Old 02-11-2013, 02:59 PM
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mandyplo mandyplo is offline
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Default Copper treatment with Cupramine, How do I re-dose with water changes? :O

Just wondering about when the time comes that I need to do a water change... how do I go about re-dosing this stuff?
These are the instructions on the bottle:

If I'm not mistaken, the initial dose over 48 hours is to acclimate your fish to the poison... please correct me if I'm wrong but I recall reading that somewhere.

I'm assuming you have to re-dose for the amount of water you are replacing when you do a water change. So lets say I changed out 10.5 gallons of water in a 30 gallon quarantine tank.
So once you have done the initial treatment and you have the concentration at 0.5mg/L, then when you do a water change do you have to re-dose over the 48 hours per the amount of water you are replacing (10.5 gallons = 16 drops over 48 hours hypothetically speaking) ?

Or, because your fish are already acclimated to the copper, can you dose the full 48 hour dosage (so 2 x 16 drops right into your new water) ?

Thanks hope I can get some clarification on this.

If I have it COMPLETELY wrong and there's a different method to water changing with copper treatment, please please correct me !!!

Edit: made photo much smaller, woops
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Last edited by mandyplo; 02-11-2013 at 03:02 PM.
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