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Old 02-07-2013, 09:26 PM
Posts: n/a
Default blue tang HELP!!

Heyy guys wanted to ask you all you wonderful people for you amazing knowledgable help ...So i set ip a 100 gallon reef tank about 4 months ago. I have 2 fire fish 2 clowns 1 mandarin goby 2 sand sifters 2 chromis 1 cardinal 1 wrasse. i have about 60 pounds of live rock and a bunch of diff corals...So far everything is good everything is alive all the fish r happy and my corals are loving it. all my levels are good aswell amonia, nitrates ect...So my friend is closing down his tank and he wants to give me some of his fish....he wants to give me Fox face, Blue hippo tang, kole tang, Naso tang, Lyretail anthias, Sleeper goby, flameback goby

So do u guys think its okay to take them...hes had them for 3 years now all of the fish together and hes had no problems...Im only scared about the blue tang because i heard they can get ick very easily...what are your guys suggestions?
anything and everything will help THANK YOUUU
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