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Old 01-20-2013, 04:05 AM
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Proteus Proteus is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Devon
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Proteus is on a distinguished road

Ok. The prodibio is a form of dosing. Great system but you need to be diligent with it. It uses bacteria and a carbon source. To eliminate nitrates and phosphates. So not remembering will only cause problems.

Start with fish. Be wise in what you choose as to big of a bio load without proper nutrient export will lead to algae issues. Which you are dealing with now. Once the tank is matured and stable then go with coral of your choice.

Do you have a skimmer in you all in one.

Good husbandry is the key. Set a schedule of what works for you. Cleaning glass can be weekly. Water changes biweekly. Filter floss change every 3/4 days. And so on. Set a goal of what you want ask lots of questions and be patient.

Btw. Pic doesn't show
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