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Old 01-10-2013, 03:02 AM
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Originally Posted by lockrookie View Post
Go to a fabric store get some blu fabric and black fabric or whatever color you desire even try zebra lol but them drape it at the back and see which you like better this way you only paint once
'Tis what I did
$6 for waterproof nylon stuff, and some industrial velcro attached to 4 corners
Mind you, the velcro roll isn't cheap, and my wife sewed all the edges and velcro for me

Cons - splash water down the back and you have to clean the glass
Pros - you can pull a corner off and use a magfloat

Looks like you'd have some planning and sewing to do with all your bulkheads - and I guess you'd have to do the whole outside of your overflow
If you're a good sewer (fabric, not black water ) I can picture a nice covering with velcro'd flaps and such
One in blue and one in black, WTH right

Last edited by gregzz4; 01-10-2013 at 03:07 AM.
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