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Old 01-09-2013, 04:28 AM
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daplatapus daplatapus is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Port Alberni, B.C.
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daplatapus is on a distinguished road

LOL, I'm not sure I do either, haha, but I'm figuring it out

And you're right, with a good soldering iron, it is very easy to solder these boards up. This is how the Real Time Clock and ITDB02 MEGA shield comes comes:

and this is what it looks like after about 3 hours of soldering:

Actually it wouldn't have taken 3 hours except, see that tiny little chip to the left of the teeny little silver cylinder? I soldered it on backwards and had to unsolder it (much more difficult than it sounds) clean up all the solder pads and re-do it. I actually don't know if there is a right way or wrong way to put it on, but there is a teeny weeny little dimple on one corner and one of the photo's I found on the net of another guy who built the same thing had the dimple in the opposite corner that I did. Logically I just assumed I was the one between us that got it wrong

And the back:
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