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Old 01-01-2013, 05:54 AM
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blacknife blacknife is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Leduc
Posts: 475
blacknife is on a distinguished road

Drama averted... as usual more to it than that but The gf has to much going on when I am away at work and doesn't want to deal with the tanks. talked down to leaving them as is or perhaps shutting one down untill i can get the new tank setup.

on a positive note after a week of fiddling around at night when i can I finally popped the overflow off the new tank. it was in very tight to the main glass so tight i can not get a blade in everywhere. the main pains are the same way. Hopes are to strip it apart, change it to an external overflow + wave box, then rebuild it.

then build all the important things like stand, new sump, controller, and extra hardware to make it low maintenance and automatic so the gf and kids can just enjoy it.

Debating going off the zeo, but i will try to get a controller and small doser first before i do something drastic like that



<celibrating in style with a beer and working on the tank hah>
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