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Old 12-31-2012, 04:28 AM
ScubaSteve ScubaSteve is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Vancouver
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I know you said no to vodka dosing but when I had HA problems, that was the only think that got rid of it. And it disappeared really fast. I think within a week of vodka+MB7 dosing my HA had mostly melted away. Now I do 0.6 ml vodka daily and the tank is sparkling clean. Don't go the biopellets route. The more I see people having issues with them, the more I'm convinced they can do more harm than good. Vodka dosing gives you better control over the process.

Between that and a seahare you'll have the issue nicked in no time.

Originally Posted by hillegom View Post
Peroxide does work but I really need to stress that peroxide and living tissue is a seriously bad combo. I've read some horror stories of this trick going badly for some people. I work with peroxide and work and know first hand the damage it can do, especially in the presence of UV. If you run metal halides, only dose the peroxide after the halides go out otherwise you are making radical species which go all Chuck Norris on anything alive it comes in contact with.
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