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Old 12-23-2012, 05:13 PM
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turbo turbo is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 25
turbo is on a distinguished road
Default LF amateur sump builder in Edmonton


I need a sump built as economically as possible in Edmonton. This is why I would like to have it built by an amateur with experience!!

Anybody with experience in putting together sump tanks, and access to materials and tools, please send me 1 or 2 pictures of your work and a quote. If we agree on a price then I'll request you send me a dinner napkin blueprint to show the plan for baffles and sizes.

Superfluous enhancements like lids and bulkheads won't be necessary.

Or possibly you can re-direct me to the appropriate location for this service. If I don't have luck here I'll probably go visit AquaGiant on 50th he's always got things on the build.

The external dimensions are 39" LONG x 11" WIDE x 18" TALL. The finished product must NOT be larger than this. Roughly 33gal (not accounting for varying water levels).

I have 2 x 1" PVC drains from the main tank. One will be routed to chamber 1 (pre-refuge), the other to chamber 3 (skimmer).

FAR LEFT Pre-refuge from overflow drain A (standard)

Refugium with 6-7" DSB, some live rubble, possibly chaeto macro algae, definitely for pod growth. I would like this to be as large, and deep, as possible. Requires minimum 16" of clearance horizontally.

Skimmer chamber, must be appropriately sized to house a good skimmer (I'll try to pick a model), be of the appropriate water level, and receive water from both refugium and from overflow drain B.

Return pump (not to be purchased until after the skimmer).

Other considerations:

- Target flow rate will be somewhere in the league of 600-700 GPH.
- I have a 300W heater that requires 16-18" of clearance horizontally. Let's put that in the refugium...
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