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Old 12-05-2012, 02:29 PM
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Hello there
thanks for the input...I did clean up my original post to a bit less offensive in language.
Just to be clear, I never said my time is worth more than my customers, nor do I feel that way in the least.
I own and run a limo business, run this store and am in my fourth year of full time studies at my time is very limited.
All I meant was that if you wish me to open up outside of my business hours (which is something that most stores won't even offer) I ask you to show up at the date and time you arranged to come to the store and that if you can't, please call me and let me know.
In the past, numerous times I have waited for people to show up who never did and didn't have the common decency to call.
I meant with my other comment that if you want me to open up outside of my normal hours please be a serious to buy something of value..not to just randomly look at things without an intention to buy anything.
Once again, I have no problem with you just looking around, hanging out or buying smaller items, but please do it during my normal business hours.
As for my prices, my purpose is not to be cheap, but to offer good quality livestock at reasonable prices.
once again, I do appreciate the input.
I am sorry if I offended some, that is not my intention..I just believe in being very straight forward about things.
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP

Last edited by howdy20012002; 12-05-2012 at 11:06 PM.