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Old 10-17-2012, 01:50 AM
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wmcinnes wmcinnes is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 338
wmcinnes is on a distinguished road
Wink Wayne's 105g 'Rainforest of the Sea'

Welcome Canreef staff, members, and guests;
Reef newbies, enthusiasts and vets.
Welcome to my rebuild.


Tropical Rainforests of the Sea

If you don’t know me, my name is Wayne and I have been, more or less, infatuated with marine aquatic life since I laid my eyes upon my first ever reef aquarium. Dabbling in freshwater for a couple years I decided to try my hand at reefing about 10 months ago, after many weeks of research, and put together my first 90G reef tank.

In my short time reefing, I have lurked around every forum, read every article, and experienced success and disaster, yet I still believe I have only discovered the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this rewarding hobby. I still have much to learn but am looking forward to the challenge.

Objective: I am moving into my new penthouse apartment suite on November 1st and want to create a focal point/center piece of the main room. The reef will be the first thing you see when you walk in the door, so I want a clean, aesthetic and modern looking build. Fish and high quality SPS corals will dominate this reef, with some LPS corals filling in the aquascape.

I have looked into the Zeovit system by Korallen-Zucht but with my schedule, doing daily dosing is just not possible. For this reason, I will be dosing the ProdiBio big three: BioDigest, BioPtim, & ReefBooster, once every two weeks in order to attain a thriving ultra low-nutrient ecosystem.


v1…rotate’s ‘A Reef in the Sky’

Leonardo’s ‘Apagon Reef’

d2Mini’s ‘Reeftastic 200g’

Rainforest of the Sea
First 90g Reef
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