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Old 10-16-2012, 10:28 PM
coolhandgoose coolhandgoose is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 258
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Default What else can I do?

So the short version of this story is that I had a bad cyano or some type of algae problem. It looked brown and snotty with bubbles. The bulbs I was using were over a year old.

So what I've done so far to try and get my tank looking top notch again is I've changed all 6 bulbs on my t5 fixture. I've added cheato. I did a round of chemiclean about 4 days ago. Took all the rocks out, rinsed them in some fresh salt water and scrubbed them. Did the 20% water change and have my skimmer running again with carbon and gfo.

I've also added some sand back into my tank since I was running it bare bottom and added a conch and another snail (like a huge nassarius snail).

Tank parameters.
Sg 1.025
Temp 79
Mag 1400
Dkh 9.0
Cal 380
Fish are a yellow tang, coral beauty and clown.

Here are some pics of the algae coming back a bit again.

Powerhead with the bubbles and brown algae.

Finger leather opening up again but has some brown algae on it.

Duncan which has been closed for about two days starting to open again. You can see a big string of the algae.
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