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Old 10-15-2012, 07:40 PM
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imisky imisky is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Langley, BC
Posts: 243
imisky is on a distinguished road

lol the openGun thing is laughable, would any of you want to use a plastic gun that shoots bullets? I wouldnt, the chance of it actually being able to pull off 1 shot is very unlikely with FDM, and its probably only doable with laser sintering which wont trickle down to the public domain for another 20 or so years.

I love my 3D printer, its one of those technology that you dont need, but once you have one you ever think how you lived without one. I use it every day but then again Im a designer so I iterate ideas and use it for rapid prototyping purposes.

These tools are pretty amazing, we just got back from an event called World Makerfaire in New York. Its amazing how kids who get exposed to these know so much already about 3D printing, and 3D modeling, and yet they are only 8-9 years old. Imagine what they can be doing if they had one of these they could use to bring their ideas to life. Its amazing times.

I would love to see some photos of the 20 micron prints! I print at 100 and for practical use it is already very high resolution, let alone the time it would take to print an object that is 10cm talls.
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