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Old 10-10-2012, 03:24 AM
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Default Help please! Longnose hawkfish

I've had a longnose hawkfish and a royal gramma in my 20 gallon quarantine tank now for 9 days now. I put them straight into the tank which had a half dose of Cupramine 0.25 and then raised it to 0.5 over the next couple of days. He was acting normal for the first week perching on the bottom of the tank or on top of the PVC tubes. He eats like a pig and the royal gramma eats well too and seems fine other than being a little shy. For the last 36 hours or so the hawkfish has not stopped swimming , he is constantly near the top of the tank like he is looking for something at the waterline. The tank is beside my bed and I checked on him numerous times throughout the night and he was either swimming around or hovering in one place. He also likes to try and squeeze himself between the heater and the glass vertically with his nose pointing up. I'm worried that hes gonna wear himself out because I'm pretty sure he hasn't stopped swimming for almost 2 days and without a swim bladder that must be hard on him. The tank has a small Powerhead and an aquaclear 30 that I let cascade 3 or 4 inches back into the tank to create oxygen. I thought maybe the oxygen levels could be low since he is always at the top of the tank so I just added 2 airstones to see if that helps. I also did a 4 gallon waterchange to lower the cupramine level a little incase it has something to do with the copper. I also added a small piece of live rock to make him feel more comfortable , but like I said before , he was perching on the PVC and acting normal for the first week. He still eats like a pig , but he won't stop moving.

Salinity 1.025
Ph 8.1
Temp 78
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 1 ppm

Any ideas?
Sorry about the long post.

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