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Old 10-09-2012, 08:30 PM
bluesox68 bluesox68 is offline
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Paris
Posts: 66
bluesox68 is on a distinguished road
Default Diatom advice please.

So every once in a while I notice that I get brown diatom on the front of my 40g display and I hate it, lol. I have a lot of LR so I might have a few dead spots but I feel I would benefit from more sand sifting. I do have a yellow watchman goby and nassarius snails but the gobey doesn't sift much and I don't see the snails other than at feeding time. I would like to get another gobey that sifts sand better, but I know they're territorial. Anyone who has sandsifting options, they'd be greatly appreciated. I just realized that I mislabelled my post! Meant to say "sand sifting advice" LOL. Sorry!
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