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Old 09-27-2012, 02:06 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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Originally Posted by lockrookie View Post
Yes I like those as well but in a nano not so good we'll it would work but I'm thinking more along the lines of overhead filtration no sump hiding power heads to the best of my ability and building the equivalent of an aqua clear filter in the hood trickling back to the tank in a staged waterfall manner for carbon and what not along each long side of the tank leaving the middle for work and lighting I have to do some measurements and figure out the pumps. Since it is only a 10 gallon tank weekly water changes will be a breeze and if I can figure a DIY skimmer in the mix within it via air stone or something bonus if not its all good

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I think the Eclipse hoods are similar to what you are talking about doing. There is also the $3o Rio nano skimmer that actually can do a descent job with a bit of tuning. My tank is a 10g as well and if you you use small components there is lots of space and as you said water changes are easy on a nano! I have a 2 1/2g rubbermaid bucket for water changes, a weekly 25% water change that takes all of 5 minutes, gotta love that.
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