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Old 09-26-2012, 04:05 PM
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Originally Posted by NightShadeFairy View Post
I hope its ok that I piggy back on here, tried searching how to catch a tang an this is one of the only threads I could find! I have a tang to catch as well.. But two other tangs I don't want to catch.. Lots of rock work.. They hide and sleep in the rocks at night so I don't think the red light at night would work... How do I make a trap? Thanks!
My tang came out surprisingly easy with the right trap. I think it depends on the personality of the fish. My guy was pretty bold and aggressive, so after the trap had been in the water for an hour or so, I put food in it, and he was trapped inside of 5 minutes. I used an AquaMedic fish trap that i picked up at a LFS here (but you can get them online too), and it was super easy.

Catching anyone else after they've seen the tang fall for it... good luck.
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