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Old 09-26-2012, 06:37 AM
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ensquire is on a distinguished road
Default September 9th Frag Fest.... Ouch

So I got back from holidays and got everything in the tank with no casualties. Tank didn't seem the worse for wear, considering everything that had been added over the course of 9 days. But it looked fairly full.
Started glue pieces to the rocks and started seeing bare spots here and there.... hmmmmmmmmmm. Really wanted to go to Frag fest but being that I just got back from holidays and I'm kinda cheap ( cept when it comes to fish things) I was reluctant to spend money on another ticket south.
A week had passed and the tank is humming along nicely, everything is open and looking happy. Wednesday arrives and Ken starts posting pics and lists of fish and coral on Canreef, so i started sending lists.
Wife comes by the computer and starts looking at some of the pics and asks me whats happening , so I told her about the sale and she says " You should go" .,......hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....I told her that I had thought about it but thought that a ticket would be to expensive on such short notice. She said " Check it out" "Okay" I says...About 600 for 2 days. Kinda put me off. In the mean time, she talks to a friend at one of the airlines and lines me up with a buddy pass discount ticket.
Then the carnage began....................

Frag fest was awesome, but I kinda lost my mind just a bit.

Ken brought in 4 Naked Clowns for me (Goldfish as far as Doug is concerned) so I grabbed them and there favorite nem.

Then there were all the vendors and reefers outside with all there goodies. Well, not wanting to play favorites. And because I wanted a few pieces of SPS I visited everyone and tried to buy at least one thing.

You would not believe the looks you get when your going through an airport with a luggage cart piled up with 3 large fish boxes with LIVE FISH on the side. But once more everything survived the plane ride home. Even one of the bags that popped with the brain coral in it survived after a bit of time in the sump. Got off the plane at 9:30 PM and took me until 3:30 am until I had everything acclimatized and in all the tanks.
Added a ton of LPS. Lots of Blastos , Acans, Dendro, duncan, Bicolor angel, Flasher Wrasse, Solarus Wrasse, Yellow Coris, Pair of Bangaii, 4 Naked clowns, Yashi Goby
Can't wait till next year

Last edited by ensquire; 09-26-2012 at 06:40 AM.
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