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Old 09-20-2012, 10:42 PM
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Originally Posted by reefermadness View Post
Im with you guys....i doubt we are alone. The universe may be endless. Problem is also the chance that some life on other planets may only be bacteria. Also think about the fact that we are but a spec in time considering the earths age and the infinite age of the universe....two intelligent species may exisits close enough to make contact but not within the same timeline.

My doubt is with the fact that they are here now. Also the site and video contains a belief that we are decendants of these aliens and they planted us here. I seen that movie and its a cool concept but.....
This is alongside the same as what I believe (not that we were planted here, but everything else). Some of the clips shown are laughable, others make you think. What I have a hard time with is if in fact these space ships are continuously visiting earth, why are there not more news agencies picking them up, more coverage of events as they happen?

There must be other life forms out there given the expanse of the universe, what they look like or whether they actually have the capabilities of space travel, I don't know.

I don't believe in ghosts or spirits either.....
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