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Old 09-15-2012, 04:43 PM
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tidal_waters tidal_waters is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Calgary
Posts: 132
tidal_waters is on a distinguished road

Just a little update! After a vacation/tank sitter near miss, I've lost three fish, a near tank crash and a flooded basement ceiling. My tank sitter apparently was messing around with things and had closed off my return ball valve separating off my sump from my display, thankfully my heater is in my display! Then as I was stepping in the door, he greets me with towels in hand and tells me one of my reactors hoses slipped off spilling a few gallons of water onto the floor, flowing through the heating vents into the ceiling in the basement causing a bunch of damage. After a few water changes, a great landlord repairing our ceiling without any costs, and a reactor overhaul things are turning around pretty good!

In the overhaul I decided to take the bio pellets reactor offline and just run GFO and carbon. Since then alot of my corals have been showing great color improvements leading me to the conclusion that Bio pellets are the devil! LOL!

Anyways here's some updated shots! Enjoy

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