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Old 09-02-2012, 04:43 AM
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blacknife blacknife is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Leduc
Posts: 475
blacknife is on a distinguished road

Something has been munching on my zoa's, the last few days it has been eating toonie+ sized chunks out of previously healthy mats. the last three days it has all been confined to one rock, a fist sized rock with mostly goldeneyes on it.

now the rock is in about 10 pieces and i have one of those nasty worms <enuncid?> with the three feeding tentacles by its mouth, sitting in a container beside the tank. heh.. I tried to take some pics of it but I need a better container or to not be distracted by the rest of things in life for a few mins to set up a shot of the little demon.

hopefully That is the only one.
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