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Old 08-24-2012, 02:51 AM
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Get an anemone for them and hope they host in it. Sebae are nice because they stay in the sand and won't go up the rocks. They can become big though, and mine was bleached and 3" when I got it, now it's 10" and in good health (brown) after only 6 months.

I had the same problem with my previous clownfish and bought an anemone. They would not go in it so I sold them, then I bought 2 nice black ice and got a sebea anemone and they love it and stay in it most of the time. But....I do have a long tentacle plate coral that they try to go visit a few times and I had to spook then off of it.

They go in my duncan coral a lot as well, so anything with tentacles is a fair game for them. The previous clownfish almost killed my beautiful long tentacles duncan and that's why I sold them and the new clownfish are a lot more gentle with the duncan.

Originally Posted by Enigma View Post
I'm ready to wring their little necks . . . though I'm not sure they actually have necks.

My clownfish have gone stupid in the last week (in a few ways . . . I think they're preparing for eggs).

They've gone gonzo over my torches. I have two very nice ones that I purchased from Reefwars. I didn't think I would have this problem, being that they're both CB fish.

Both of the torches sit in the same corner of the tank: isolated and out of stinging distance from everything else. The clowns are really messing with both of them (my black occ. disappears inside the big one for several minutes at a time, and both fish are rubbing all over both corals), and both torches are starting to look as if they don't find this agreeable.

How can I prevent the clowns from killing them? Offering them back to reefwars is something I'm considering, but I really like the torches and don't really want to lose them just yet. They have value to me.

More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...

Last edited by daniella3d; 08-24-2012 at 02:54 AM.
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