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Old 08-16-2012, 12:37 PM
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wickedfrags wickedfrags is offline
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Bet they make for an interesting aquarium - that being said, while the blue spot is a great fish, unless you run your tank colder than a typical reef it will likely share a similar fate as those in most other they come from colder waters they are very susceptible to skin infections which often prove fatal. A fish best left in the ocean IME, not unlike some anthias species. Good luck with him! cheers.

Originally Posted by Edmonton Eskimo View Post
So I bought a beautiful healthy blue spot jawfish from blue world the other day and put him in my tank that already has a yasha goby pistol shrimp pair, I knew there was a possibility of a problem so I watched closely and introduced the bluespot on the opposite side of the tank in hopes the bluespot would dart into the rocks and start his burrow there. Of course he darted to the other side right into the yashas burrow, &$@?! First surprise I got is the bluespot seems to be using the live rock as his burrow, he has dug out the sand underneath it but I see him poking out of various holes in the rock. Second surprise, after not seeing the yasha for a couple days I assumed he was evicted by the larger fish and was pouting and making a new burrow. Well I see him today poke his head right out of his normal burrow with his little buddy in tow. They seem to be sharing the burrow, I thought that was very strange but I could be wrong.
I'm out.
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