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Old 08-12-2012, 08:10 PM
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Location: Vancouver
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Default Berghia (Vancouver)

Hey guys, Im going to placing an order for berghia as they are getting too hard to maintain and starting to grow on my zoa plugs/discs which in turn are causing them to stay closed. I am most likely going to pick them up stateside and bring them back with me as shipping costs to Canada are quite high. Since I was bringing some back, I wanted to see if anyone else wanted any. To make things easier for me, only orders in multiples of 5 will be taken as I dont want to be seperating bags of 2-3 berghia, if you need less that 5, see if you can split it with someone else. Sizing will vary but most will be in th 1/4" size. Pricing would depend on the final amount of berghia but they wont be more than $12usd and no less than $8usd, these prices include shipping. Depending on the final price, I can cover the exchange unless it ends up being crazy. Payment in full needed before I place the order as I cant get stuck with these as they will die without enough aptasia to eat. If we have dealt inAfter they rid your tank of aptasia, you can pass them off to another reefer or trade them in for some credit. Ill wait on my order for a few days before placing it and once placed it will take about a week or so before shipment. The only day I have available to pick them up, would be a Saturday so you would have to pick them up that day as well.

Just quote and add your name and how many you want.

1. dc4 (10)
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