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Old 08-08-2012, 06:19 PM
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michika michika is offline
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michika is on a distinguished road

Ok so a bit of a recap I suppose is required.

I took down my 180g grow out system. I've been slowly re-homing fish. I pretty much gave all but one tang away to temporary homes. I'm slowly working on packing it up and getting it out of the house for sale.

When the 180g came down we found some near-fails. This is one of my check valves. The inner o-ring was nearly corroded through, the valve could not make an appropriate seal. Scary thing is that I checked all the o-rings and plumbing not even 2 months prior!

Then I took Tony's old 90g (man this thing really gets around), and set it up for my tang and long-spine urchin.

I set up the RKE, and am waiting for the new SL2 module to be released. I'm 98% sure there is something wrong with the calibration of my pH probe. I've cleaned and calibrated it twice now, but maybe the 3rd time will be the charm. If not, new probe time.

Because I've been enamoured with LEDs for ages now, I'm actually starting to experiment. On the 90g I've put in 3 strips of Cool White Phillips LEDs (waterproof/water resistant fixtures) that I'm so far not minding. Granted I don't have enough PAR (probably) to keep any LPS or SPS, I'm finding that working with LEDs isn't like T5s or MHs.

I glue animals to rocks

Last edited by michika; 08-08-2012 at 06:21 PM.
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