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Old 08-08-2012, 06:34 AM
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Reefie Reefie is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Yaletown
Posts: 370
Reefie is on a distinguished road

Hooded Fairy Wrasses, Tongan Flame Wrasses, and as well as the Nahacky's Fairy Wrasse are all variants of each other. This particular Wrasse has more similarities to the Coral Sea Hooded Fairy Wrasse than the Tongan Flame. I've spent the past few hours Googling and comparing pics of each variant of the species.

It has settled in with my Wrasse family very well. No fighting at all, although the Flame is flashing like no tomorrow. He is the King of the tank, at least that's what he thinks he is.
It all started with ............. "Finding Nemo"

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