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Old 07-28-2012, 11:16 PM
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bauder1986 bauder1986 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Edmonton, AB...find the earie glow of the T5 lights coming from a house lol
Posts: 439
bauder1986 is on a distinguished road

Just an update on every thing available.

Fire and Ice zoo colony #1(150+ heads): $100.00 AVAILABLE
Fire and Ice zoo Colony #2(35+ heads) : $35.00 AVAILABLE

Watermelon Zoos (20+ heads): $30.00 AVAILABLE

Armor of God Paly (20+ heads): $50.00 pending pickup by mattjolly85
4 Colonies (100+ heads each) of blue green and orange zoos: $45.00 each AVAILABLE

4 random zoo frags from frag a lot(15-20 heads): $10.00 each AVAILABLE

Large irradecent Yello Goniporra (4.5" skeleton Diameter): $50.00 AVAILABLE

2 brains (both are 5" skeleton): $45.00 each Red brain pending pickup by mattjolly85 -- green one is AVAILABLE

two large toadstools (10" + head diameter each): $45.00 each SOLD
Frogspawn colonie(30+ heads) $90.00 AVAILABLE

30-35 lbs of Live Rock: $60.00 SOLD

One Occerlaris Clown: $20.00 AVAILABLE

One Coral Beauty (believe it or not, he is reef safe!!) $40.00 SOLD
One Pink Spotted Shrimp Goby $30.00 SOLD
One Cleaner Wrasse $15.00 SOLD
One adult coral banded shrimp $20.00 SOLD
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