Thread: Pond design
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Old 07-23-2012, 01:40 AM
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Dez Dez is offline
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I have an air pump in my shed an I cover the pump with a Rubbermaid container and blankets so that the heat of the pump warms the air and have it teed off to two air stones in the pond. I also have 2 heaters which only kick on at 6 degrees Celsius about 2 feet away from the air stones. If it snows, then I'll shovel snow from my patio onto the pond for another layer of insulation.

As far as maintenance, I back flush my filters once every 2 weeks 10 mins. And then I'll empty the skimmer net and wash the brushes at the same time, another 10 mins. In the fall, every day I'll skim the surface of the pond for sea leaves.
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