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Old 07-15-2012, 02:38 AM
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daniella3d daniella3d is offline
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Get rid of it, as they grown larger they attack fish and are a pest.

I know someone who has 2 and they have started to eat small fish like clownfish. The 2 of them already ate a platinium clownfish, a black and white occ., and 2 ultra picasso. He can't even catch them because they are wicked fast and hide in the rockwork.

Leave that thing alone in your sump.

Originally Posted by bluesox68 View Post
Ok so in the last 2 days my wife called me at work to tell me that my serpent star ate my good sized emerald crab and then today my medium cleaner shrimp I put him in my refugium with 15-20 lbs of LR and cheato but will he eat my pods? I keep my system well fed and checked my water to make sure they didn't die then ate them. Just confused because I don't want my other shrimp to be next even though that one lives in the same cave as the star and it would seem they are buddies? Any thoughts?
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...
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