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Old 07-08-2012, 04:24 AM
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blacknife blacknife is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Leduc
Posts: 475
blacknife is on a distinguished road

Just curious when SPS, particularly montis start warfare on eachother will it affect all corals in the tank? a few of mine are fighting, and this week i was a little lazy dosing, and some of them have some damage. First i thoguht it was high alk, or one of the powerheads shifted and was blowing to hard, but now I am a little stumped.

ALK was HIGH at the start of the week. 151 or so on the hanna and is now back down to 135. calcium was down to 320-340 today, way down. kids kept me from testing anything else earlier but perhaps now that they are in bed I will catch up on my reef work.

Oh well time to pull out the chisel, though I am guessing I should go get one just for the tank and not use one that has been collecting who knows what in the garage.

Possibly related but doubtful. I am due for a zeo change ran out of bak this week. I am happy with the zeo results but might just call it quits as its almost time to go work on the road again as the local job hunt is not going well. though this will require acquisition of some kind of replacement for the 40b, perhaps just to run as a fuge section or fuge/frag tank.

right now i have all my extra rock. the mkoskers that the dottyback keeps beating up, and the coral muncher starfish the gf does not want me to get rid of squished in the 20 gallon that should just be the fuge. and I am Pretty sure the starfish is eating every sponge he can get to on the rocks. so much for cryptic LRR fuge.

Ohh one more gripe.. my skimmer that ran quietly for almost a month after getting used decided to start being really loud last week too. nothing looks wrong to the impeller or motor to my eyes but something must be out of whack in it. Cleaned it once last week I will try again. its in the basement so it does not drive me too nuts. but if it was in the living room.. it would be out the window by now.
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