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Old 07-01-2012, 01:03 AM
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daniella3d daniella3d is offline
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Location: longueuil, quebec
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daniella3d is on a distinguished road

Really? doesn't that depend if it is a smasher or a spearer? Mine has been living with fish for more than 6 months and never killed anything. It is even with 2 blue legged hermit crab and a cleaner shrimp and did not kill them.

I first had it with a dottyback and once I sold the dottyback the mantis took its cave and now it's been living with 2 clownfish and 1 leopard wrasse for 2 months. It's only 15 gallons and the leopard wrasse is going in my 75 tank soon.

The mantis I have is about 3" and it's a smasher. It bearely come out of its cave.

When I think that the leopard wrasse burry itself in the sand each night, it is amazing that the mantis has not bother it in 2 months, but it does not. I feed the mantis well.

I would not put fish with larger mantis, but I guess it also depend on the specie.

BTW, silly comment as I ALWAYS had cats and dogs living together in perfect harmony, still do.

Originally Posted by RuGlu6 View Post
I think you might have more laughs if you post it on face book or twitter.
Everyone on this forum knows that mantis will kill and eat the clown.

If you really would want to help this fish you wouldn’t keep these two together.
This is irresponsible, higher species with evolved consciences do not behave like that.
Would you keep a cat and a mouse in one enclosure? Or dog and a cat?
More fish die from human stupidity than any other disease...
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