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Old 06-22-2012, 03:56 AM
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
You've come a long way! Fish and coral now and they're looking really good too. Not that I qt corals or fish... but pretty brave to place new coral on the sandbed in the display to wait and watch for aiptasia =)
I've become pretty aggressive in my response to aiptasia, the first on I see won't be ignored or treated chemically, but will be removed (rock and all) and blow torched to a cinder. Those two corals are the only ones whose base rock went in, and only because I couldn't easily remove them.

I also added a cleaner wrasse today, that luckily readily accepts prepared food. I know they're no solution to ich and disease, but it's been my experience that they help a lot when it comes to general tank health. My bristle tooth tang and harlequin tusk are almost fighting over him.

I also picked up a 40 gallon breeder today and started seeding some bio balls in a bag in the sump (for a canister filter) so I can run a quarantine tank on demand now. I won't e adding anymore fish until they've been through a two week fattening up period going forward.

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