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Old 06-19-2012, 07:47 PM
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mandyplo mandyplo is offline
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Thunder Bay, Ontario
Posts: 218
mandyplo is on a distinguished road

Wow am I glad I saw this thread! I was looking for a coral for my second clarkii clown to host and was told they host GSP, Xenia and Clove polyps so I was looking into getting one for my clown as I don't want an anemone.

So what are some other options for me since I'm quite turned off from the corals you guys listed as nuisances now ! I heard clarkii's would host gonioporas, and frogspawn/torch corals. How are these three in the nuisance category, generally safe and easy to keep under control or would you guys discourage any of them? I'm also open to other coral suggestions!
Thanks in advance
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