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Old 06-08-2012, 01:22 AM
SmallFry SmallFry is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Brandon
Posts: 180
SmallFry is on a distinguished road
Default The End (Or the end of the beginning)

So this is the end of this tank, it's final duties as a quarantine tank are over and all occupants (apart from a number of bristle worms) have been moved on to the new 75 gallon.

In the longer term when I have some or a lot of other projects out of the way, I'm going to drill it and add a sump. I'm probably going to build it a new stand more along the lines of the one for the 75. The plan is to build another light so that I can keep an anaenome and a pair of clowns in there as a display on the main floor since the big one is in the basement. I have an idea for a really cool light that involves the Wife's old wok, but she doesn't know this yet..
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