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Old 06-04-2012, 12:39 AM
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mandyplo mandyplo is offline
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Thunder Bay, Ontario
Posts: 218
mandyplo is on a distinguished road

So I just remembered 2 days ago we did the "cyano-x" treatment to get rid of the red algae. Well, the algae is gone but we forgot to put our carbon back in the filter and the directions say to do a 25% water change once all red algae was terminated. The algae is completely gone as of a few hours ago, so needless to say we are doing the water change right now and putting the carbon back in the filter. I have a feeling this is whats stressing the little dudes out.

Here is a video of how fast they are breathing... other than the breathing they look very lively and healthy, they just aren't as rabid as they usually are during feeding right now.

Edit: RedCyano-RX is the actual name of the red algae treatment, not Cyano-x.
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