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Old 06-03-2012, 02:50 AM
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mandyplo mandyplo is offline
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Thunder Bay, Ontario
Posts: 218
mandyplo is on a distinguished road

Okay, thank you. We mixed up some salt in tank water and added it in. We also put one power head on the left side back of the tank and pointed it to the front of the tank towards top of the water so its not covering a large area and not pushing everyone around like crazy, but its aerating the water for them again.

I hope this works the one Chromis looks very very stressed, I have a feeling he won't make it.

The salinity is now at 1.205...

We usually just feed the Chromis flakes, but we have given them brine shrimp and they just go CRAZY!!! for it... should we put some in and see if it sprites them up a bit?
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