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Old 05-04-2012, 04:45 AM
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I'm babysitting some fish and one of them was a cleaner wrasse, I was told he was a couple of years old.... Then I added a fuzzy dwarf lion fish (I figured that if the stonefish didnt eat the wrasse, a fuzzy should be fine...) My mistake . I have another cleaner in a different tank and he is a pig, eats anything and everything I put in there from mysis, nori, plankton and he even picks at the silversides I feed to my snowflake. And he is super entertaining to watch, especially when he tries to clean unwilling participants, he can be quite persistant.

However, I remember reading an article someone posted here about how detrimental it is to remove cleaner wrasses from natural reefs, I cant remember exactly the numbers, but the study showed that there were fewer fish and fewer varieties of fish in the areas that the wrasses were removed from. But like I said, cant remember who posted the article and where, and I'm sure quite a few of us on here have them anyways... I guess just dont put them in with lion fishes
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